Sunday, October 2, 2016

Preparations for Hurricane Matthew

As you have most likely heard already, we are bracing for Hurricane Matthew. We have spent the last two days moving things inside or to safer buildings, helping fellow missionaries board up their houses, cleaning roofs off, and storing up water so that we are prepared for whatever might happen over the coming days. We have also spent some time checking on our Haitian brothers and sisters to make sure that they have adequately prepared their homes and families for the days ahead.

It is always interesting to me, how God prepares even the animals for the weather to come. This morning, I was going out to put my hummingbird feeder away, for safe keeping, when I realized that there were five bananaquits eating from it at the same time. I have never seen that many birds at our feeders, at one time. The best picture that I could get was of three of them (yesterday was the first that I was able to get any decent pictures of a bananaquit at it, and I have been trying since we arrived here last year). Therefore, I am going to leave the feeder out front until the winds pick up to a point where the birds are no longer coming in. Apparently, they are also storing up for the coming storm.

Tobi became extremely stressed this morning when he saw us removing everything from our back porch and moving it inside. The last time we did that, we left for six weeks and he was not ready to watch us drive out the gate again . . . in fact, when we did head out the gate to help some others in the community with their preparations, he slipped out the gate, as well; trying to ensure that he wouldn’t be left behind. Now, he is keeping watch from the front porch and patroling the gate to make sure that all is well.

This morning our American team met on our back porch to go over our plan of action, in order to finish up our preparations and to pray together for the safety of everyone in our area.

When it really comes down to it, we are all in well protected homes. Yes, the winds will be picking up and the rains that are projected are like nothing that we have ever seen, but we have safeguards that our Haitian neighbors do not. We ask you to please pray for them. RMI is already prepared to help with food and other support to our neighbors and the churches that we work alongside.

School is already cancelled for tomorrow, so that we can all be protected in our homes. It is likely that other offices will also be closed. When the storm passes, we will assess the damages and let you know how you can continue to pray for us, our friends, and ministry partners.

If you don’t hear from us right away, don’t be concerned, because we will likely lose internet over the next few hours and/or days. We will do our best to let you know how we are doing, as soon as we are able. RMI will likely be in touch with us and post updates on Facebook and the website at as soon as they are able to connect with us.

Thank you for your prayers! We feel them, already, and appreciate all of the support that we are receiving from our friends and family around the world.