Sunday, July 3, 2016

Difficult weekend . . .

For those of you who do not follow us on Facebook, we wanted to update you on some news that we have received this week that has been rather difficult for us to accept.

First of all, we recieved news from our field director, Rob Thompson, that his wife Becky has been diagnosed with breast cancer. They left Haiti for a three month furlough on June first and routine doctor appointments have revealed the cancer. They do not know all the details of Becky’s treatment plan, yet, but they do know enough to make the decision to postpone their return to Haiti at the end of August. We appreciate your prayers for the Thompson family over the coming months as they have many decisions to make and will face many changes. Also pray for the RMI staff; this was a hard reality for all of us to accept and everyone is still reeling from the news.

Then, Saturday we received a difficult phone call. Lee’s parents called with the news that our 23 year old nephew, Kody Kutzler, passed from this life very suddenly. We would appreciate your prayers for the entire family as we grieve the loss of this very special young man. His funeral service will be held on Thursday evening.

On a much lighter note, one of Isaac’s caterpillars changed into its pupal stage on Saturday. The other three caterpillars died, but we will see what comes of this one in the weeks to come. To give you an idea of its size, Isaac reluctantly placed his thumb next to it.